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This last year has been one of growth and development for Eurban. Over the course of 12 months almost 30 projects were completed on-site – the most completed in one year to-date. In addition to this, important, wider business goals have also been realised including Eurban’s first office located outside the UK, a new website and brand evolution.
Several of the projects were multi-storey residential buildings, such as:
Eurban’s largest multi-storey residential project so far, situated on the site of the old London Hotel next to St Mary’s Churchyard. The eight-storey building accommodates 115 social housing units for Peabody Housing Association.
Together with the neighbouring 47-storey octagonal concrete tower, the development will provide 450 apartments, as well as a café and a theatre for the Southwark Playhouse.
Client: MACE & Peabody House Association
Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners & Axis Architects
Timber Engineer: Eurban
Scotland’s tallest timber structure is located west of Glasgow city centre, comprising 42 sustainable flats over seven storeys, for mid-market rent.
Assembly of the super-structure, including CLT stair core and lift shaft began in March 2017 and took just 16 weeks to complete.
Wood for Good describe the project further in their article.
Client: CCG & Sanctuary Group
Architect: Mast
Timber Engineer: Eurban & Smith and Wallwork
Sanctuary Group describes the benefits of working with CLT in their video:
Eurban Swiss Office
In response to Eurban’s involvement with an increasing number of international projects, the company opened their first office outside the UK in February 2017. Located in Frauenfeld, Switzerland, the Swiss team has already grown in number and its skills and expertise ensure that the company has the requisite resource to manage its wider international involvement.
Website relaunch and brand evolution
Last year Eurban sought to refresh their brand and to relaunch their website in order to reflect the company’s growth, confidence, and their position as experts in the field of mass timber construction. The new website went live in October 2017 and a stronger social media presence has also been pursued.
Looking ahead
Following what has been a successful year, the Eurban team would like to thank clients and collaborators for their hard work and for their continuing support to the timber industry.
2018 marks Eurban’s 15th anniversary and the company looks forward to another exciting year that promises interesting opportunities and international collaborations.
Images: 1. Highpoint Terrace drawing 2. Yoker